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Semaphore's 2025 Confidence Survey Results

It’s hard to discern whether our community dislikes Donald Trump, Joe Biden or Elon Musk more. A majority of you expressed a lack of confidence in both Presidents Trump (56% no confidence) and Biden (51%) or the 81% who believe Elon Musk has undue influence on American domestic and foreign policy.   The strongest commentary focused on Elon declaring “Musk World is dangerous to the Globe” to the pithy “He may electrocute our democracy.”

A year ago some wag quoted the Beatles "I’ve got to admit it; it‘s getting better, a little better all the time (can't get much worse).” The same respondent updated with “the economy got better and better, but I’m not sure our nation will survive long enough for me to enjoy it!” Whether this is prompted by Trump, Musk, or industry fears we’ll hope to learn in next year’s survey. Check out the complete results, engaging opinion, and compare it to last year by clicking here.

Lest you think we are all haters and malcontents we received this lovely appeal concerning the wildfires in California “The venture community has banded into action. Contribute to The LA Tech Community Cares Fund.” For the 40% of our respondents who earned more in 2024 than the prior year and the 65% of us who expect to be enriched even more this year - dig deep.

Our17th Annual Semaphore Confidence Survey presents largely confirming opinions of our industry and its challenges. Several overriding observations deserve note. First, women respondents increased to 28%, albeit more modestly than the doubling of last year to 25%. Total participation was down from a year ago reverting to participation levels of nearly every other prior survey (910 individual responses). Artificial Intelligence is anticipated to capture the largest investment market share in 2025 in concert with your incorrect prediction that it would be #1 in 2024. AI ended up #4 in actual self-reported deal effort (wonder how ChatGPT would craft this miss). Surprisingly, a huge minority of you wish to end the hegemony of Amazon, Meta and Alphabet as support to break-up those titans rose from 28% to 48%. If the break-up were to reach Congress or the Supreme Court, only 8% of us have confidence in either institution, a number that pales against the 78% confidence our respondents have in themselves.

Your commentary remained enlightening and entertaining – thoughtful to witty. Please conduct your own review and analysis of our colleagues’ opinions. Click here for the full survey results and a representative sampling of commentary on matters of the industry, race, carried interest, sexual harassment, breaking up Big Tech, and Elon!

Topics: Survey

Semaphore's 2024 Confidence Results Revealed

Discover the latest insights from Semaphore's 2024 Confidence Survey

"I’ve got to admit it; it‘s getting better, a little better all the time (can't get much worse).”

With apologies to the Beatles that their music could belie our industry, this lyric came in a comment to our 16th Annual Semaphore Confidence Survey and seemed to summarize the entirety of the record responses received. Our respondents, while recognizing challenges, were decidedly optimistic about themselves, the state of the industry, their ability to deal with inherent problems, and rather certain that incomes would continue to climb.

Four overriding observations deserve note. First, women respondents more than doubled to 25%. Total participation exceeded 1400 responses, double last year and the largest number we have ever experienced. Artificial Intelligence is anticipated to capture the largest investment market share in 2024, far and away the hottest industry sector. Lastly, despite dismal lack of confidence in the Biden administration, over the three weeks the survey remained open, the expectation of whether the President would be reelected grew from 30% in the initial week to 46% at the end - mirroring recent political polls. Someone else with a higher pay grade than me can analyze whether and how all these connect.

The commentary remained enlightening and entertaining. Please conduct your own review and analysis of our audience opinion and whether you abide by them. Click here for the survey results and a representative sampling of commentary on matters of the industry, race, carried interest, sexual harassment, breaking up Big Tech, and whether Sam Altman should be running Open AI – 78% say yes with comments ranging from “He’s a genius” to “He’s a fraud”.

Results intrigued as usual with definitive confidence in yourselves (82%) and a 4X increase in the economy just twelve months ago (40% have confidence today in the US and 12% International), with a single digit 1% confidence in the US Congress. President Biden confidence rating held steady at just 24% with 58% expressing a lack of no confidence in US national tax and spending policies.

For the first time, less than a majority, 47% of you, earned more in 2023 than the prior year, while 58% expect to do so this year. This is a bounce back in confidence as last year we reported the lowest numbers of increased income expectation ever recorded.

Surprisingly, 56% do not support elimination of carried interest rates compared to 70% last year, with 44% apparently agreeing with one commenter that “Greed is not good”.

Our respondents don’t wish to have Big Tech broken up (72%), believe that sexual misconduct, harassment, and gender bias remains a problem (68%), both virtually the same numbers as last year. 51%, a slightly smaller majority than last year at 55%, believe inherent racism is a structural industry obstacle.

Respondents were from 25 states with California, Massachusetts and New York making up 59% of the US response. 38 other countries were represented with 37% of international respondents from Canada, UK and Germany (36% last year).

Males represented 74%, 25% Females and, 1% self-reported Gender X of those participating this year. 9% of you were from PE shops (way down from 24% last year); 34% were VCs; 3% Hedge Funds; 13% LPs; 10% operating executives; 9% Investment Bankers; and 22% third party vendors/advisors to the industry (lawyers, accountants, etc.) – the last two categories were double last year’s proportion.

Back to the Beatles – the song noted is “Getting Better” on the Sgt. Pepper’s album. The initial idea for the song's title came from a phrase often spoken by Jimmie Nicol, the group's stand-in drummer for the Australian leg of their 1964 world tour when he replaced Ringo who was ill. Take a listen – here’s hoping things do get better all the time.

Check out the complete results and engaging opinion by clicking here.

Mark DiSalvo is Founder and CEO of Sema4 Inc., dba Semaphore,, a leading global professional services provider to troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for fourteen funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider, and advises Limited Partners around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with offices in Barcelona, Dallas, London, Luxembourg, New York, and Washington DC.


Topics: Venture Capital, equity, private equity funds, Semaphore, limited partners, turnaround, technology, diligence, small businesses, growth equity investments, market, analysis, venture funds, private equity, ethics, ethical standards, business, Survey

Semaphore's 2023 Confidence Survey Results Are In!

“I told you last year the joke is on others not smart enough to be in our biz - not even a global pandemic or a market crash can kill us.”

That was among the first comments entered in the 15th Annual Semaphore Confidence Survey. I don’t know if true, but you get to do your own analysis. This was not the only “I told you so” as commentary continued to explode with hundreds of opinions shared. Whether a one word “yes” or “no” or a de facto pitch to write a book, most were thoughtful – and many purely entertaining. Click here for the survey results and a representative sampling of commentary on matters of the industry, race, carried interest, sexual harassment, breaking up Big Tech, COVID, and our most commented on subject ever - the FTX/ SBF implosion.

Results were intriguing with direct conflict between definitive confidence in yourselves (80%) and incredibly low confidence in the economy (10% in the US and 4% International) with literal 0% confidence in the US Congress, with other institutions and leaders not faring a lot better. President Biden confidence rating fell to only 23% with 62% having little or no confidence in US national tax and spending policies.

62% of you earned more in 2022 but only 49% expect to do so this year. In our fifteen-year history these are the lowest reported numbers of increased income expectation ever recorded.

We may have asked our last COVID question as only 11% believe it will have a negative influence on your business this year.  

Unsurprisingly, 70% do not support elimination of carried interest rates. It prompted my favorite office image from an investment staff member voting in favor of elimination “Because it's funny to watch the partners of my PE fund get triggered talking about it being repealed.”

Our respondents don’t wish to have Big Tech broken up (71%), believe that that sexual misconduct, harassment and gender bias remain a problem (69%), and the same majority as last year (55%) believe inherent racism is a structural industry obstacle.

And yes, 70% of you believe the investment community is responsible for the FTX implosion. The hundreds of comments ranged from the defensive “Fraud is fraud, I don't think VCs can be held responsible for everything. If it was kept a secret from all but 4-5 exec's at FTX, it's difficult to expect external investors to know the extent of their duplicity” to damning “Complicit as hell” to our friend Mr. Hubris noting “I love saying ‘I told you so.’ Theranos was the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of VC funded startups that remain illegitimate fake hacks. Sam I Am is not the only fraud.” If true, I suspect we will be asking about another embarrassing incident in the next confidence survey.

Respondents were from 39 states with California, Massachusetts and New York making up 69% of the US response. 31 other countries were represented with 36% of international respondents from Canada, UK and Germany.

Males represented 87%, 11 Females and, 2% self -reported Gender X of the 701 participating this year. 24% of you were from PE shops; 38% were VCs; 4% Hedge Funds; 10% LPs; 9% operating executives; 4% Investment Bankers; and 11% third party vendors/advisors to the industry (lawyers, accountants, etc.).

I pray the new year continues to treat you kindly and that higher levels of confidence than predicted visit us all this year. Check out the complete results and engaging opinion by clicking here.

Mark DiSalvo is Founder and CEO of Sema4 Inc., dba Semaphore,, a leading global professional services provider to troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for eleven funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider, and advises Limited Partners around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with offices in Barcelona, Dallas, London, Luxembourg, and New York.



Topics: Survey

Semaphore's 2022 Confidence Survey Results Are In!

“Remember in March/April of 2020 we thought every fund portfolio would crash? The joke is on others not smart enough to be in our biz - not even a global pandemic can kill us.”

That was the first comment entered in the 14th Annual Semaphore Confidence Survey. It might just be true, given the stratospheric amounts of capital committed and invested accompanied by the continuing rising incomes of those taking our survey.

Commentary continued to explode – hundreds of your colleagues penned opinions – many thoughtful and some cringing to read. You can decide for yourself. Click here for the survey results and a representative sampling of commentary on matters of race, carried interest, sexual harassment, breaking up Big Tech, COVID, and the Theranos/Holmes saga. Many comments are truly delicious – how come none of you are as pithy and entertaining on my Zoom calls?

COVID proved not as troubling as expected with only 34% reporting it hurt your business while 54% of you predicted that it would in 2022. Only a third of you think it will hurt in 2022.   It most certainly did not hurt your wallets as 77% earned more in 2021 than the prior year, and 65% expect to earn still more in 2022. Unsurprising, considering that 91% of you had full confidence in yourselves. Curiously, this confidence in self plummets to a 35% confidence rating in the US Economy and only 19% with a confident outlook of the international economy compared to 54% and 37% respectively expressing confidence last year.

The honeymoon for President Biden is evidently over. His confidence rating was cut in half from with 56% last year to 27% today. Could it be because many of our respondents fear a tax hike those in our industry doing so extraordinarily well? As one stated about eliminating Carried Interest “I benefit from it - but it is wrong,” balanced by some believing that “Tax breaks for (the) wealthiest citizens must be revisited.”

66% agree that sexual misconduct, harassment and gender bias remain a problem, down from 78% a year ago.   A majority of 54% believe inherent racism is a structural industry obstacle, down from 68%. The self-identified gender mix of respondents this year were 74% Male, 24% Female (up from 18% last year and 9% the year prior), and 2% choosing Gender X.

The top five survey taking states were 22% California, 20% New York, 19% Massachusetts, 7% Texas, and Connecticut. Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Florida, Colorado and Illinois came in at 2% each and no other state represented more than 1%.

Canada represented 17% of international respondents, 15% UK, 8% Germany, 7% China, 6% India and 3% France, Italy, Israel, and Singapore, 2% Brazil, Mexico and Australia. Respondents in descending order of submissions were from Japan, Taiwan, Sweden, Russia, Spain, Luxembourg, Philippines, Columbia, Viet Nam, Nigeria, with responses from 19 other nations.

Of the 579 participants this year 22% were from PE shops; 27% were VCs; 7% Hedge Funds; 9% LPs; 14% operating executives; 7% Investment Bankers; and 14% third party vendors/advisors to the industry (lawyers, accountants, etc.).

52% of survey takers believed the Theranos/Holmes saga was an outlier in our industry against 48% believing it more systemic. The most passionate of commentary was in response to this question including “Theranos is the tip of the iceberg - there are hundreds of VC funded startups that are illegitimate fake hacks,” and “Hubris is always in fashion.”   We’ll be sure to poll the scandal of the moment next year.

Here is hope your supreme self-confidence somehow rubs off on the world economy and we come out of these still parlous times safe, healthier, and by all accounts, richer in both wealth and fulfilment. Check out the complete results and engaging opinion by clicking here.

Mark DiSalvo is Founder and CEO of Sema4 Inc., dba Semaphore,, a leading global professional services provider to troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for eleven funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider, and advises Limited Partners around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with principal offices in Barcelona, Dallas, London, Luxembourg, and New York.

Topics: Venture Capital, private equity funds, Semaphore, general partners, limited partners, investment, growth equity investments, private equity, Corporate Growth Planning, business, Survey

Semaphore’s 2022 Confidence Survey

Last February I invited you to keep safe, wear a mask and get jabbed in the arm so we could conduct the confidence survey all over again this year. A year later the more things change…

The 14th annual Semaphore Confidence Survey (click here) will tell us how prescient - or not - we were. Was 2021 a cursed COVID year? Will 2022 afford an end to our still parlous public health burden? Has it influenced business interests and personal income? One year ago a full 97% of you had confidence in yourselves while 54% believed COVID would continue to hurt your businesses. Notwithstanding, 67% of you expected to earn more than you did the prior year. This year’s survey will tell the tale if your pocketbooks grew, continuing an eleven-year streak of increased income year over year. 56% expressed confidence in then new president Biden. Is the honeymoon over? Does sexual misconduct, harassment and gender bias remain a self-admitted problem in our industry as some 78% of you reported last year?

Annually we ask our readers to weigh in and share their level of confidence in themselves, the economy and their businesses. This year we again test your predictive powers on a broad range of issues as we query respondents on Carried Interest elimination, Big Tech break-up, and opinions on structural racism in our industry. We will chronicle what you invested in and where you intend to invest. I suspect we will be entertained by the free expression of your opinions – right, wrong or damning.

Please choose to participate in the 14th annual Semaphore Confidence Survey of Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Hedge Fund partners, principals and professionals supporting the industry. The sole purpose of this survey is to gather anonymous input from our industry colleagues with results reported to all. The survey will stay live through February 3rd.

Your participation will allow us to gauge expectations with your peers, competitors, and industry colleagues. The survey takes 3-4 minutes and respondent identity is not reported to us.  Full results will be published exclusively in Fortune’s Term Sheet and on our website at   

Click here to take the survey. Click here to see last year's results.

Semaphore takes over troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Hedge funds on behalf of Limited Partners. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for eleven funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider, and advises General and Limited Partners around the world. Semaphore's corporate headquarters are in Boston with principal offices in Barcelona, Dallas, New York, London, and Luxembourg.

Topics: Survey

Semaphore's 2021 Confidence Survey Results!

“Bubble, baby II!”

This was the comment left behind in the very last response received in our 13th annual Semaphore Confidence Survey. The comment “Bubble, baby” was my favorite economic analysis comment left a year ago. It seems some of you come back on an annual basis and remember what you said. Commentary exploded this year with pithy two-word replies and our very first emoji too vulgar to note were accompanied by nearly 500-word essays. Everyone has an opinion – you decide whether any are worthwhile. Click here for the results and you will see an expanded sampling of thoughtful commentary on matters of race, carried interest, sexual harassment, Trump, and breaking up Big Tech. Until the last day of the survey it was a see-saw race whether you believed Facebook, Google, should be broken up. In the end a near landslide 57% said “tear them apart”.   You were not shy about other opinions.   The survey closed the night before the impeachment vote in the US Senate and 83% of our respondents correctly predicted Trump would not be convicted. Of course, last February 62% of you predicted he would be reelected.

COVID proved troubling as 59% reported it hurt your business with 54% believing that it would continue to do so in 2021. That said, it did not appear to hit our respondents in the pocketbook. 67% earned more in 2020 than the prior year with 21% earning less. The same 67% expect to earn still more in 2021. This follows along with the continued expression of confidence expressed in ourselves - a full 97%. This near unanimity of confidence plummets to a 54% confidence rating in the US Economy and only 37% believing one should be confident in the International economy.

One person enjoying a honeymoon is President Biden with 56% expressing confidence in the new president as compared to 69% who were not confident in his predecessor just a year ago. Even Congress has seen a boost in confidence to 20% up from 4% last year. Under the Capitol Dome, Speaker Pelosi enjoyed the confidence of 32% with new Senate Majority Leader Schumer at 30%.

Sadly, 78% agree that sexual misconduct, harassment, and gender bias remain a problem, and 68% believe inherent racism is a structural industry obstacle. The self-identified gender mix of respondents this year were 80% Male, 18% Female (up from 9% last year) and 2% choosing Gender X.

The top five states were 26% from California (supplanting NY for the first time), 20% New York, 18% Massachusetts, 6% Texas and 3% Connecticut. Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Illinois came in each at 2% and no other state represented more than 1% (with Missouri topping Utah for first on that list).

Canada represented 21% of international respondents, 13% UK, 5% Germany, 5% China, 5% India and 2% France, Italy, and Singapore, with multiple respondents in descending order from Israel, Australia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Brazil, Russia, Japan, Columbia, Spain, Viet Nam, and single responses from 14 other nations.

Of the 620 participating this year 21% were from PE shops; 32% were VCs; 4% Hedge Funds; 9% were LPs; 11% were operating executives; 11% were Investment Bankers; and 12% were third party vendors/advisors to the industry (lawyers, accountants, etc.) – reasonably consistent with last year albeit more heavily representing VC.

A favorite comment this year was “I have encountered rapacious thieves in PE as well as some of the finest people I could ever hope to meet…”. In our baker’s dozen years that the Semaphore Confidence Survey has taken your temperature we ruefully note we have seen too many rapacious thieves given our niche taking over troubled funds. It is mercifully balanced by very many fine individuals and firms with whom we proudly enjoy working to right the misdeeds of plundering bandits.

Please keep safe, wear a mask, get jabbed in the arm so we can do it all again next year. Check out the full results and enjoy informative and sometimes entertaining opinion by clicking here.

Mark DiSalvo is the Founder and CEO of Sema4 Inc., dba Semaphore,, a leading global professional services provider of troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for eleven funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider, and advises Limited Partners around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with principal offices in New York, London, Luxembourg, and Dallas.


Topics: troubled funds, equity, Semaphore, market diligence, market, business, Survey

Semaphore's 2020 Confidence Survey Results Are In!

Semaphore's 2020 Confidence Survey Highlights

“Bubble, baby!”

This was my favorite economic analysis comment in this year’s 12th Semaphore Confidence Survey. You have opinions!  In our dozen years of surveying the confidence of our industry, personal abilities, institutions and issues of the day we have never enjoyed such wide expression of viewpoint. Usually 10 or 12% leave a comment behind. This year 41% of you were motivated to give us all a piece of your minds.   Other commentary ranged from political prognostication “The Democrats will choose a candidate based on ideological purity rather than electability - setting the stage for a Corbyn-style wipeout in the election”, to a #MeToo confession “I admitted guilt in last year’s survey. Truth. I’ve not changed.”   In the outline of our results we’ve appended an extensive sampling of your viewpoints.  Enjoy the good, bad and ugly.

One thing is clear, as one of our respondent’s stated “I continue to be amazed at how damn easy it is to make money.”  Apparently it is. 72% earned more in 2019 than the prior year with only 16% earning less.  A full 69% expect to earn still more in 2020.  This follows along with the continued expression of confidence expressed in ourselves - a full 95%.  This despite a 51% confidence rating in the US Economy (up from 37% last year) and only 21% believing one should be confident in the International economy.

One person you are not confident in is President Trump. While 69% express little or no confidence, down (or is it up?) from 81% last year, fully 62% believe he will be reelected.  We have a pretty good track record in politics, predicting in 2018 the Democrats regaining the House.  93% also predicted, during the impeachment trial, that Trump would not be convicted.  How prescient you are.

Congress did not fare any better with a 72% lack of confidence rating. In the Capitol, Speaker Pelosi won the confidence head to head battle 34% to 13% with Majority Leader McConnell.

79% agree that sexual misconduct, harassment and gender bias remains an industry problem, tipping down from 88% last year, in hopes that the spotlight has afforded both recognition and changes in behavior.   Fewer self-identified females took our survey this year with a gender mix of 86% Male, 9% Female (down from 19% last year) and 5% choosing Gender X.

The top six states offering response remained 22% New York, 21%, California, 20% Massachusetts, 6% Texas and 4% Connecticut. Washington DC, Pennsylvania and Illinois came in each at 4% and no other state represented more than 1%.

Canada topped this year’s international responses with 19%,  16% UK, 6% Germany , 6% China, 5% India and 2% France and Italy with multiple respondents in descending order from  Israel, Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Brazil, Russia, Japan, Columbia, Spain, Viet Nam,  and single responses from 6 other nations.

Of the record 614 participating this year 24% were from PE shops; 20% were VCs; 4% Hedge Funds; 9% were LPs; 12% were operating executives; 11% were Investment Bankers; and 20 % were third party vendors/advisors to the industry (lawyers, accountants, etc.) – reasonably consistent with last year.

One of my favorite comments was a rather direct two word reprobation of “poor survey”.  It may be true but you were no doubt engaged.   A dozen years on, the Semaphore Confidence Survey may not be very good but it does take a pretty good temperature in the moment.  We’ll all find out in the next 11 months how accurate it may be.  Count on us asking you once again next year. Please take some time away from your Master of the Universe duties and peruse the results yourself and perhaps be entertained – and informed - by many of the comments expressed about our industry, President Trump, sexual misconduct and what it all reflects about ourselves by clicking here.

Mark S. DiSalvo is the President and CEO of Sema4 Inc., dba Semaphore,, a leading global professional services provider of troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for nine funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider and advises Limited Partners around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with principal offices in New York, London and Dallas.



Topics: Semaphore, Survey

Semaphore's 2019 Surprising Survey Responses

I’m not surprised very often.  I have to admit to being shocked by some of our results this year. This is labeled a Confidence Survey.  Other than in isolated cases (mostly about our politicians and their institutions) you have been supremely confident these past eleven annual reflections. For more than a decade the results about our national and international economy have generally been in a narrow range of reasonable confidence.  Not today.

Our respondents were only half as confident in the US national economy as the year before with just 37% expressing such as opposed to 76% last year.  More alarming is that by a factor of more than five some 41% specifically stated a lack of confidence in the economy compared to only 8% feeling negatively  a year ago.  Confidence in the International economy fared even worse with only 13% expressing confidence as opposed to 69% last year.  53% specifically noted a lack of confidence overseas compared to a 4% response last January.  Ruh roh.

Is this an early warning that compels behavior change as investors?  Maybe, seems the answer. Real Estate investment broke the top five of intended investment markets for the first time in our survey history.  Crypto/Blockchain joined the other usual leaders of software and health care in intended deal flow for 2019.

Despite impending economic doom our respondents remain confident in themselves with 93% remaining sure of their own skills backed up by 75% certain they will earn even more personal income next year than last (where  61% reported earning more last year than the 2017).  Is this simple hubris given the huge downturn in general economic confidence or are continually rising incomes for our industry compatriots just baked into the advantages of the profession? Reflect that 41% reported the Trump tax cuts advantaged their personal income while 72% said that same corporate tax policy did not influence a single judgment they made.

Speaking of Trump, there was more bad news for the president given that his lack of confidence number rose 7 points to 81%.  Politicians are by and large not very popular although Obama was an anomaly when in the past more than 70% expressed confidence in him. New Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a 41% confidence rating, almost twice as high as then Speaker Ryan last year and nearly 4 times higher than Senate Majority Leader McConnell today.   

If our survey takers know anything it is politics. A year ago you proved prescient with a super majority predicting that the Democrats would take the House.  By similarly large margin, 79% believe that the president will remain in office through the end of the year despite your lack of confidence in him and his national economic team. One commenter noted, “Lies turn into crimes and cost him taxpayer paid housing. He may earn fully paid housing in a federal prison - he at least deserves the latter.” Many equally strong opinions were expressed along with political tactics pro and con.

In this #MeToo year our industry continues to at least recognize it remains wildly deficient with 88% agreeing that sexual misconduct, harassment and gender bias is an industry problem. We even had a confession of such behavior – but while recognition is appreciated he (presumably a male) declared “I'm guilty of it. Not proud of it but trying to change my abuse of the power dynamic.  I can’t honestly promise I will succeed.”  The question continues to be left hanging is what to do about it.  One simple answer preferred was “Just be a normal human being.” This question garnered the largest response in commentary ever in the history of our survey. Many representative comments are highlighted in the accompanying documents detailing responses Click here to read.  

The distribution of respondents in the US changed from past years - the  top six states were 21%   from New York (vaulting into first place displacing California for the first time); 20% California, (down from 33%  a year ago); 19% Massachusetts; 6% Texas and 6% Connecticut; with DC, Pennsylvania and Illinois coming in at 5% each.

The UK represented 21% of international respondents (down from 31% - maybe  folks fleeing prospect of Brexit); 17% Canada; 7% Germany; 7% China; and 2% from both France and Italy, with multiple respondents  in descending order from Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Brazil, Russia, Japan, Israel, Columbia,  Spain, Viet Nam and single responses from 9 other nations.

Of the record 604 respondents  who participated this year 30% were from PE shops (double last year’s number); 21% were VCs (down 10 points); 9% were LPs (down from 14% last year); 10% were operating executives; 9% were Investment Bankers; and 21 % were third party vendors/advisors to the industry (lawyers, accountants, etc.).

It’s difficult to interpret what our results really mean but the severe lack of confidence in the economy portends a potentially rough ride.  We’ll all find out in the next 11 months and you can count on us polling you once again next year. Long time readers will be amused by the return of one commenter after a few years’ hiatus who once threatened to murder his boss.  This time he makes an odd admission.  Please take some time away from the usual deal terms and spreadsheets to review and analyze the full results yourself and be entertained – and perhaps informed - by many of the comments made about sexual misconduct, President Trump, and our industry in general by clicking here.

Mark S. DiSalvo is the President and CEO of Sema4 Inc., dba Semaphore,, a leading global professional services provider of troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for nine  funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider and advises Limited Partners around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with principal offices in New York, London and Dallas.

Topics: Semaphore, Survey

The Results Are In To Semaphore's 2018 Confidence Survey!

Semaphore's 2018 Confidence Survey Highlights

Could it be possible that there be near universal confidence in the national economy, our own skills, the ability to earn more and more and hate president Trump, Congress generally and its leaders?  Well, in our Alice in Wonderland PE world, it is not only true but seems quite normal - continuing the trend expressed in last year’s survey.  Note that we also live in the real world. In this #MeToo moment our industry at least recognizes it is wildly deficient with 80% recognizing, (self-admitting?) that sexual misconduct, harassment and gender bias is an industry problem. The question left hanging is what to do about it. You obviously disagree, thankfully, with the respondent who wrote “It's being blown way out of proportion. The end result now is men will fear doing business with women.”  Many suggested that transparency was the prescription but most believing that it will only ease with a generational change in leadership and more women participants in the industry. If this survey is a guide it will take a very long time as only 14% of our 589 respondents were women. One bluntly stating, “I have had a front row seat. It is destabilizing, demoralizing, divisive and completely unacceptable behavior…” Accompanied by another comment noting, “It is an industry of big egos with little regard for others.”

Big egos indeed.  The 10th annual Semaphore Confidence Survey clearly notes we are Uber Confident (not necessarily confident in Uber but more the original meaning of that now spoiled word) with 93% confident in themselves. While some fear exigent existence, “The Dow will climb but the stock exchange will no longer exist once Trump chooses to press his Big Nuclear Button to show the world how big his…” well, you’ll have to go to the comments section to read the unexpurgated rest of the comment.  

Last year’s survey had 76% fully expecting to earn more money.  Congratulations - 73% of you did with 74% expecting to continue that upward trend this calendar year. And your personal taxes and corporate taxes will go down too, as 57% and 70% correctly predicted last year with 55% of you agreeing that the personal income tax rates will advantage you and about the same number believing the tax rate cuts will spur the national economy.

You were equally correct in that 78% predicting that the currently favorable tax treatment of Carried Interest income would not be at risk and 88% certain there will be no change in 2018, despite the fact that nearly half of you believe it should be changed.  

That confidence continues not to be shared with few other people or institutions. While President Obama fared extremely well last year (78% on the confidence scale) his successor only had a 18% confidence score, with 74% not confident.  President Trump even outscored our perennial last place finisher in the confidence polls with Congress (71% no or little confidence)  with Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader “enjoyed” a 25%  and 16% confidence vote, respectively.   They won’t have to worry about those poor ratings much longer as 72% of our respondents believe that either the House or Senate become Democratic in the 2018 mid-term elections.  Makes me wonder if Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer read our blogs?

For the third year in a row sectors of investment remained essentially static. Health Care, Enterprise Software, and Financial Services are #1, #2 and #3. Those three sectors remain the top three targets of investment in 2018 with Crypto Currency and Entertainment in the top 5

The distribution of respondents in the US changed only slightly from past years - the  top six states were 33% California, 22% Massachusetts, 21% New York, 6% Texas and 5% Connecticut (the last two swapping places). Washington DC, Pennsylvania and Illinois came in at 4% each.

The UK represented 31% of international respondents, 14% Canada, 7% Germany, 6% China (up from 2%), and 2% from both France and Italy, with multiple respondents from Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Brazil, Russia, Japan, Peru, Spain, Viet Nam and single responses from10 other nations.

Of those who participated this year 15% were from PE shops (half last year’s number); 31% were VCs; 14% were LPs (double last year); 13% were operating executives; 7% were Investment Bankers; and 20 % were third party vendors/advisors to the industry (lawyers, accountants, etc).

I have no idea what our dog’s breakfast of results means but we’ll all find out in the next 11 months and we’ll be sure to be asking once again next year. If you can take the time away from gazing at your burgeoning net worth or from fears of political apocalypse please review and analyze the full results and read many of the comments by clicking here

Mark S. DiSalvo is the President and CEO of Sema4 Inc., dba Semaphore,, is a leading global professional services provider of troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for nine funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider and advises General and Limited Partners as well as corporations around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with principal offices in New York, London and Dallas.


Topics: Semaphore, Survey

Semaphore's 2018 Annual Survey Is Here!

Semaphore’s 2018 Confidence Survey

Professionals in our industry seek to invest in disruptive technologies and investment markets.  We all thought 2016 was a turbulent political mess. How much more disruptive was 2017? Could 2018 be even more so?  From tweets to tax cuts and sexual misconduct to crypto currency we experienced a pillar to post whipping.  How did it affect your pocket book and personal confidence?  There was absolute clairvoyance by our colleagues in last year’s survey.  Fully 70% of you predicted corporate tax rate cuts.  Another 57% predicted personal income tax cuts. It took until the last days of the year but our colleagues’ predictive powers proved accurate and prescient. A strong majority remained confident in the US and Global economies.  Only 25% had prospective confidence in President Trump in 2017. If stock market performance and political surveys can be believed you were once again fully on target, all the while believing that your incomes would continue to rise.  Our colleagues thought it would be, once again, a fat and happy year.  Was it as people expected?  Do you expect to make even more personal compensation next year than this year?

Annually we ask our readers to weigh in and share their level of confidence in themselves, the economy and their businesses. This year we ask your predictive powers on a range of issues and query directly whether sexual misconduct, harassment and gender bias is a problem in our industry.  You’ve never been shy before and we anticipate continued honest responses.

Semaphore is conducting its tenth annual survey of Private Equity and Venture Capital partners, principals and professionals supporting the industry. The purpose of this survey is to gather anonymous input from our industry friends and clients with the results fully reported to all. The survey will stay live through January.

By participating you will get to gauge your expectations with your peers, competitors and industry colleagues. The survey will take 2-3 minutes and respondent identity will not be reported to us.  Results will be published in Fortune’s Term Sheet and on our website   

Click here  to take the survey.

Click here  to see last year's results.

Semaphore,, is a leading global professional services provider of troubled Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge funds under management. Semaphore currently holds fiduciary obligations as General Partner for nine funds, is a New Markets Tax Credit provider and advises General and Limited Partners as well as corporations around the world. Semaphore’s corporate offices are in Boston with principal offices in New York, London and Dallas.

Topics: Semaphore, Survey

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